Data type:Datatime(Power Automate Desktop)


Japanese version.

Power Automate Desktop treats Data-time as variables of a unique data type.

How to use

Variables of data types dealing with date and time are retrieved with the following actions

Other date/time type information also exists in the file information properties.

"." to specify properties separated by "." to get the information attached to a Date/time.

The following example retrieves the year.


YearYear (A.D.)
MonthMonth (1 to 12)
DayDays (1 to 31)
DayOfWeekDay of the week (Sunday, Monday…)
DayOfYearNumber of days in the year (1 to 366)
HourHours (0 to 24)
MinuteMinutes (0 to 59)
SecondSeconds (0 to 59)

For those who want to learn Power Automate Desktop effectively

The information on this site is now available in an easy-to-read e-book format.

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You willl discover how to about basic operations.

By the end of this book, you will be equipped with the knowledge you need to use Power Automate Desktop to streamline your workflow.

Table of Contents.

Update History.



How to truncate the time portion from the date and time.

How to get the Previous day, First day of month, End of month, and Number of days in month.

How to get the day of the week from a date.

How to truncate the time portion from the date and time.

How to get the earlier or later date.Date and time comparison.