Workstation(Power Automate Desktop Action)


Japanese version.

This function is related to the operation of devices such as PCs, printers, and displays.



Print documentLowPrints any file.
Only page description language (PDF and XPS) files can be printed, text files, Excel, etc., because they must be printed by the respective application, text files, Excel, etc., need to be printed by the respective application, so this action is likely to be used infrequently.
Get default printerMiddleObtains the printer name (string) currently set as the "Default printer".
Set default printerMiddleChange the "Default printer" by specifying the printer name in text.
Show desktopHighMinimize or restore all windows.
Lock workstationMiddleLock Windows.
Play soundMiddlePlay system sound or audio from a wav file.
Empty recycle binMiddleEmpty the files in the recycle bin.
Take screenshotMiddleObtain a screenshot of the screen (full screen, main display, designated display, or foreground display) and save it to a file or the clipboard.
Control screen saver
Get screen resolutionLowObtain screen information (width, height, number of bits, frequency).
Set screen resolutionLowChange the screen resolution (width, height, bits, and frequency).
Log off userMiddleLog off from Windows.
When this action is executed, the flow ends and no further actions are performed.
Shutdown computerMiddleShut down, restart, sleep (suspend), or hibernate the computer.