Mouse and Keyboard(Power Automate Desktop Action)


Japanese version.

Mouse clicks and keystrokes.



Block InputLowPower Automate This function is used to disable keyboard and mouse operations from outside of Desktop.
It is used to prevent users from interrupting the flow of keystrokes and clicks.
However, it requires administrator privileges to use the action and is not easy to use.
Whenever possible, use a flow that does not require blocking, or do not perform any operations while the flow is executing.
Get mouse positionMiddleGet the current position (X, Y) of the mouse cursor.
Mouse moveHighMove the mouse cursor by specifying the position (X, Y).
Move mouse to imageMiddleThe action is to find the specified image and move the mouse to that location.
Optionally, it can also be made to click.
This action is useful when the "Mouse move" action does not work well.
Move mouse to text on screen (OCR)HighThe action is to find the specified text and move the mouse to that location.
You can optionally make it click.
This action is useful when the "Mouse move" action does not work well.
Send Mouse ClickHighClick the specified location.
Send KeysHighKeyboard input to the object currently in focus.
Press/release keyHighPress or release the modifier key (Ctrl, Alt, Shift, Win).
Used in combination with "Send Keys" and "Send Mouse Click".
Set key stateHighChanges the state (ON/OFF) of keys (CapsLock, NumLock, ScrollLock).
Wait for mouseMiddleAn action that waits for the flow to be conditioned on the mouse returning to a specified state or vice versa.
This action may be used when waiting for the application to complete processing (the icon returns from the waiting state) or when waiting for the user to move the mouse to a place where text can be input. The case of using this action may be considered.
Get keyboard identifier
Wait for shortcut keyHighWaits until a specific key or shortcut key is pressed.
Multiple combinations can be set to wait.