Convert text to datetime Action(Power Automate Desktop)


Japanese version.

This action converts a text type value that can be recognized as a date/time to a date/time type.

It is the counterpart of "Convert datetime to text", and is similar to the VALUE function in Excel.

However, since text that can be recognized as a date/time is automatically converted, the use of this action is limited.

For example,

  • If the text is not standard as a date/time and cannot be converted automatically.
  • You want to generate an error if the text is not recognized as a date/time.
  • To convert a date in another locale.

How to use

Drag Convert text to datetime from Text onto the Workspace.

Set parameters.


Text to convert

Specify the target text.

Date is represented in custom format

Use this format if it is not automatically converted.

Specify the date in yyyyMMMdd and the time in hhmmss.

For example, for fixed length text,
2021-06-28 12:30:45" becomes "20210628123045".
In this case, turn ON and specify "yyyyMMddhhmmss".

Variables produced


The date/time of the result of the conversion are stored.

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Table of Contents.

Update History.


Text Actions

Examples of Use

How to get the Previous day, First day of month, End of month, and Number of days in month

How to get the day of the week from a date.