UI automation(Power Automate Desktop Action)

Japanese version.

The action is to mouse over a specified object in Windows.

The “Click UI element ...

UI automation(Power Automate Desktop Action)

This action waits for a flow conditional on the presence of the specified image.

This is useful when it takes a ...

UI automation(Power Automate Desktop Action)

Japanese version.

This action selects a tab in a Windows application.

This action is not available for br ...

UI automation(Power Automate Desktop Action)

The action is to click on an object on the desktop or the taskbar.

UI automation(Power Automate Desktop Action)

This action is a companion to the "If" action and branches processing conditional on the presence or absence of an im ...

UI automation(Power Automate Desktop Action)

An action that waits for a flow conditional on the presence of a specified UI element or text in the window.

Th ...

UI automation(Power Automate Desktop Action)

This action is a companion to the "If" action, which branches processing conditional on the presence of the specified ...

Compression(Power Automate Desktop Action)

This action decompresses (unzips) ZIP files.

ZIP files with passwords can also be extracted.

Compression(Power Automate Desktop Action)

Create a ZIP file by specifying a folder or file.

ZIP files with passwords can also be created.