Sort cells in Excel worksheet Action(Power Automate Desktop)
This action sorts the specified range or table.
This action was added in the May 2024 update.
How to use.
First, set up Launch Excel Action or Attach to running Excel and specify the target Excel file, and then.
Drag "Sort cells in Excel worksheet" from "Excel" under "Actions".
If you want to save your edits, you need to open the file in a non-read-only setting.
Set parameters.
The edited contents will not be reflected in the file as is.
If you wish to keep the edited content, you must save it using Save Excel Action or Close Excel Action at the end.
Excel instance
Specify the Excel file.
Specify the Variables produced for the Launch Excel Action or the Attach to running Excel.
Sort column in
Select how to specify the range to be sorted.
- Active sheet
- Table
- Range
Active sheet
The entire active sheet is subject to sorting.
There are no additional parameters to specify.
If you want to set the target sheet, set up the "Set active Excel worksheet" first.
Specifies the name of the table to be sorted.
Select "Named cells" or "Specific range" as the range designation method.
Named cells
Specify the "Cells name".
Specific range
Specify the sorting target by Start column/Start row/End column/End row.
The first row and column are sequential numbers of 1.
Sort by
Click the "Edit" button to open the "Sort by" window.
Click + to add a column. At least one column is required.
Specify the target column.
If "Sort column in" is "Active Sheet" or "Range", specify sequential numbers with the first column as 1.
If "Sort column in" is "Table", specify by column name.
Select whether that column should be sorted in "ascending" or "descending" order.
First row is header
Set if "Sort column in" is "Active Sheet" or "Range".
If ON, the first row will not be sorted.
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