Excel Filter.(Power Automate Desktop)


Japanese version.

This section shows how to perform filter operations in Excel.

Currently, there is no action to perform filter operations in Excel, so it is necessary to use UI operations or other means to achieve this.

Create filter

Overall flow

Robin(for copy and paste)

It can be copied and pasted into Power Automate Desktop.

UI settings are omitted.

Excel.LaunchExcel.LaunchAndOpenUnderExistingProcess Path: $'''C:\\Test\\Test.xlsx''' Visible: True ReadOnly: False Instance=> ExcelInstance
Excel.SetActiveWorksheet.ActivateWorksheetByName Instance: ExcelInstance Name: $'''Sheet1'''
Excel.SelectCellsFromExcel.SelectCells Instance: ExcelInstance StartColumn: 1 StartRow: 1 EndColumn: 3 EndRow: 6
UIAutomation.Click Element: `` ClickType: UIAutomation.ClickType.LeftClick MousePositionRelativeToElement: UIAutomation.RectangleEdgePoint.MiddleCenter OffsetX: 0 OffsetY: 0
UIAutomation.Click Element: `` ClickType: UIAutomation.ClickType.LeftClick MousePositionRelativeToElement: UIAutomation.RectangleEdgePoint.MiddleCenter OffsetX: 0 OffsetY: 0


Put "Launch Excel" in place and open the target file.

Launch Exceland open the following document
Document pathTarget file
Open as ReadOnlyOFF

Put in place "Set active Excel worksheet" and specify the worksheet to which you want to add the filter.

Put in place "Select cells in Excel worksheet".

Specify the range of filter settings.

In the example, specify the range from A1 to C6.

Put in place "Click UI element in window".

Click on "Data" from the menu for the settings.

Put in place "Click UI element in window".

Set up to click on "Filter".

When this flow is run, a filter is set for the specified range.

Set condition

Overall flow

Robin(for copy and paste)

It can be copied and pasted into Power Automate Desktop.

UI settings are omitted.

Excel.LaunchExcel.LaunchAndOpenUnderExistingProcess Path: $'''C:\\Test\\Test.xlsx''' Visible: True ReadOnly: False Instance=> ExcelInstance
Excel.SetActiveWorksheet.ActivateWorksheetByName Instance: ExcelInstance Name: $'''Sheet1'''
Excel.SelectCellsFromExcel.SelectCells Instance: ExcelInstance StartColumn: 1 StartRow: 1 EndColumn: 3 EndRow: 6
UIAutomation.Click Element: `` ClickType: UIAutomation.ClickType.LeftClick MousePositionRelativeToElement: UIAutomation.RectangleEdgePoint.MiddleCenter OffsetX: 0 OffsetY: 0
UIAutomation.Click Element: `` ClickType: UIAutomation.ClickType.LeftClick MousePositionRelativeToElement: UIAutomation.RectangleEdgePoint.MiddleCenter OffsetX: 0 OffsetY: 0
UIAutomation.Click Element: `` ClickType: UIAutomation.ClickType.LeftClick MousePositionRelativeToElement: UIAutomation.RectangleEdgePoint.MiddleCenter OffsetX: 0 OffsetY: 0
UIAutomation.PopulateTextField TextField: `` Text: `` Mode: UIAutomation.PopulateTextMode.Replace ClickType: UIAutomation.PopulateMouseClickType.SingleClick
UIAutomation.PressButton Button: ``


Put "Launch Excel" in place and open the target file.

Launch Exceland open the following document
Document pathTarget file
Open as ReadOnlyOFF

Put in place "Set active Excel worksheet" and specify the worksheet to which you want to add the filter.

Put in place "Click UI element in window".

Select the filter for the target column.

Put in place "Click UI element in window".

Select the filter you want to use.

Put in place "Click UI element in window".

Click on the type of condition.

Put in place "Populate text field in window".

Set the value to be used as the condition.

Put in place "Press button in window".

Press the OK button.

The filter is run when this flow is executed.

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