Excel cell format.(Power Automate Desktop)
Here is a flow for formatting Excel cells.
Currently, there is no action for formatting, so VBScript is used to set it.
To do so, put "Run VBScript" in place.

Specify the following code for "VBScript to execute.
Lines beginning with ' are commented out (disabled).
If necessary, remove the ' to enable it.
On Error Resume Next
Dim xls, book
Set xls = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
' Specify the file.
Set book = xls.Workbooks.Open("C:\Test\Test.xlsx")
' Specify sheet/cell.
Set cell = book.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B2") ' Specify by cell address
' Set cell = book.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(1,1) ' Specify by number of rows and columns
' Font
' cell.Font.Name = "Calibri"
' Font Color
' cell.Font.Color = RGB(0, 255, 0)
' Font Size
' cell.Font.Size = 16
' Itaric
' cell.Font.Italic = True ' ON
' cell.Font.Italic = False ' OFF
' Bold
' cell.Font.Bold = True ' ON
' cell.Font.Bold = False ' OFF
' Text Alignment Horizonal
' cell.HorizontalAlignment = 1 ' General
' cell.HorizontalAlignment = -4131 ' Left (Indent)
' cell.HorizontalAlignment = -4108 ' Center
' cell.HorizontalAlignment = -4152 ' Right (Indent)
' Text Alignment Vertical
' cell.VerticalAlignment = -4160 ' Top
' cell.VerticalAlignment = -4108 ' Center
' cell.VerticalAlignment = -4107 ' Bottom
' Underline
' cell.Font.Underline = -4142 ' None
' cell.Font.Underline = 2 ' Single
' cell.Font.Underline = 4 ' Double
' cell.Font.Underline = 5 ' SingleAccounting
' cell.Font.Underline = -4119 ' DoubleAccounting
' Strikethrough
' cell.Font.Strikethrough = True ' ON
' cell.Font.Strikethrough = False ' OFF
' cell.Interior.Color = RGB(100, 100, 100) 'Background color
' Borders
' N in Borders(N) is the position of the ruled line. If (N) is deleted and only Borders is used, it is up, down, left, and right.
' 7...left, 8...top, 9...bottom, 10...right, 5...top left to bottom right, 6...top right to bottom left
' Border Line Style
' cell.Borders(9).LineStyle = 1 ' Continuous
' cell.Borders(9).LineStyle = -4115 ' Dash
' cell.Borders(9).LineStyle = 4 ' DashDot
' cell.Borders(9).LineStyle = 5 ' DashDotDot
' cell.Borders(9).LineStyle = -4118 ' Dot
' cell.Borders(9).LineStyle = -4119 ' Double
' cell.Borders(9).LineStyle = 13 ' SlantDashDot
' cell.Borders(9).LineStyle = -4142 ' None
' Border Weight
' cell.Borders(9).Weight = 1 ' Hairline
' cell.Borders(9).Weight = 2 ' Thin
' cell.Borders(9).Weight = -4138 ' Medium
' cell.Borders(9).Weight = 4 ' Thick
' cell.Borders(9).Color = RGB(0, 255, 255) ' Border Color
Set book = Nothing
Set xls = Nothing
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