Extract data from web page Action(Power Automate Desktop)
This action retrieves data from a table on a web page.
The format of the retrieved data can be a Data table or Excel.
This action targets the browser launched for automation with the following actions.
How to use
First, open the page to be retrieved.
Then, under "Browser automation" and "Web data extraction", drag "Extract data from web page" and place it below the browser launch action.

Set parameters.

Select the previously opened page with the table you wish to extract.
The following window will then appear.

In this state, right-click on the table from which you want to retrieve data and select "Extract entire HTML table".

If there is page switching, right click on the link or button that takes you to the next page, and select "Set Element as Pager" from the menu.

If the setup is successful, the contents of the table will be displayed, Click "Finish" in this state.

Web browser instance
Specify the target browser (Variables produced by the startup action).
The table to be retrieved must be visible in the specified browser at the time the action is executed.

Extract data from
If a pager is set up, specify how far to extract.

All available
Retrieve from all pages.

Only the first
Specify the maximum number of pages to be retrieved for the "Max web pages to process" parameter.

Process data upon extraction
Turn ON when you want to reflect the filtering results in a table with filtering functions.
Basically, it can be left off, which is light in operation.

Specifies the number of seconds until timeout.
If the extraction is not completed within this number of seconds, the action will result in an error.
Normally, there is no need to change this value, but if you are extracting large amounts of data, you may need to increase this value.

Store data mode
Specifies the format of the data acquisition results.

Retrieve results in a Data table(variable name DataFromWebPage).

Excel spreadsheet
Get the result (variable name ExcelInstance) in Excel.
In many cases you will use Close Excel to save the file as a file.

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