Get details of web page Action(Power Automate Desktop)
This action retrieves information about a Web page.
The information that can be retrieved is mainly the attached information (META tags) such as description and keywords, and for text within the page, use "Get details of element on web page".
This action targets browsers launched with the following actions.
How to use
First, open the page for which you want to retrieve information.
Then, under "Browser automation" and "Web data extraction", drag "Get details of web page" and place it below the browser launch action.

Set parameters.

Web browser instance
Specify the target browser (Variables produced by the startup action).
The target Web page must be displayed in the specified browser at the time this action is executed.

Select which information to retrieve.
Item | Description |
Web page description | Gets the contents of the META tag name="description". |
Web page meta Keywords | Gets the contents of the META tag name="keywords". |
Web page title | Gets the contents of the TITLE tag. |
Web page text | Gets all the text displayed in the browser. |
Web page source | Gets the entire HTML source. Since there is a separate action to retrieve HTML elements, the use is more like saving the entire source as a file than retrieving individual HTML elements. |
Web browser's current URL address | Get the URL being displayed. |

Variables produced
The retrieved information is stored.

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