How to convert URL parameters (GET parameters) into Data table.(Power Automate Desktop)


Japanese version.

This section shows how to expand the GET parameter of a URL into a data table.

Overall view of Flow

Robin(for copy and paste)

It can be copied and pasted into Power Automate Desktop.

SET Url TO $''''''
Text.ParseText.ParseForFirstOccurrence Text: Url TextToFind: $'''?''' StartingPosition: 0 IgnoreCase: False OccurrencePosition=> PositionQuestion
Text.ParseText.ParseForFirstOccurrence Text: Url TextToFind: $'''#''' StartingPosition: 0 IgnoreCase: False OccurrencePosition=> PositionSharp
IF PositionQuestion >= 0 THEN
    IF PositionSharp >= 0 THEN
        Text.GetSubtext.GetSubtext Text: Url CharacterPosition: PositionQuestion + 1 NumberOfChars: PositionSharp - PositionQuestion - 1 Subtext=> Subtext
        Text.GetSubtext.GetSubtextFrom Text: Url CharacterPosition: PositionQuestion + 1 Subtext=> Subtext
Excel.LaunchExcel.LaunchUnderExistingProcess Visible: False Instance=> ExcelInstance
Excel.WriteToExcel.WriteCell Instance: ExcelInstance Value: $'''Key''' Column: 1 Row: 1
Excel.WriteToExcel.WriteCell Instance: ExcelInstance Value: $'''Value''' Column: 2 Row: 1
SET RowCounter TO 2
Text.SplitText.SplitWithDelimiter Text: Subtext CustomDelimiter: $'''&''' IsRegEx: False Result=> TextList_Ampersand
LOOP FOREACH CurrentItem IN TextList_Ampersand
    Text.SplitText.SplitWithDelimiter Text: CurrentItem CustomDelimiter: $'''=''' IsRegEx: False Result=> TextList_SplitEqual
    Excel.WriteToExcel.WriteCell Instance: ExcelInstance Value: TextList_SplitEqual[0] Column: 1 Row: RowCounter
    Excel.WriteToExcel.WriteCell Instance: ExcelInstance Value: TextList_SplitEqual[1] Column: 2 Row: RowCounter
    Variables.IncreaseVariable Value: RowCounter IncrementValue: 1
Excel.ReadFromExcel.ReadCells Instance: ExcelInstance StartColumn: 1 StartRow: 1 EndColumn: 2 EndRow: RowCounter - 1 ReadAsText: False FirstLineIsHeader: True RangeValue=> ExcelData
Excel.CloseExcel.Close Instance: ExcelInstance

Flow creation steps

Place an additional action in the How to leave only the GET parameter from the URL section.

Set up Launch Excel Action and select with a blank document to create an empty book.

Create the first row of an empty book created by setting up two Write to Excel worksheet.

The value to be written is the column name. This may be changed.

In the example, Key and Value are used.

ParameterValue of the first ActionValue of the second Action
Value to writeKeyValue
Write modeOn specified cellOn specified cell

Set up Set Variables and create a variable %RowCounter% and set the initial value to 2.

Install Split text Action to split URL parameters with "&".

Install another Split text Action. Therefore, the Variables produced name is changed. (In the example, %TextList_Ampersand%)

Text to spit%Subtext%
Delimiter typeCustom
Custom delimiter&
Is regular expression OFF

Set up For each and specify the result of splitting URL parameters with "&".(In the example, %TextList_Ampersand%)

Set up Split text Action in the For each section. This action further splits the text with "=".
The Variables produced name is %TextList_SplitEqual% in the example.

Text to spit%TextList_Ampersand%
Delimiter typeCustom
Custom delimiter=
Is regular expressionOFF

Place two Write to Excel worksheet Action in For each.

ParameterValue of the first ActionValue of the second Action
Value to write%TextList_SplitEqual[0]%%TextList_SplitEqual[1]%
Write modeOn specified cellOn specified cell

Set up Increase variable in For each and count up by 1.

The For each part of the flow is complete. The flow is as shown below.

Under For each set up Read from Excel worksheet Action and configure as follows.

RetriveValue from a range of cells
Start column1
Start row1
End column2
End row%RowCounter - 1%
First line of range contains column namesON

Finally, close the book with Close Excel Action. No saving is required.

When this flow is executed, the Read from Excel worksheet Action
In the Variable produced(variable name %ExcelData% by default)
The URL parameter is stored in the Data table.

As an example, if you execute the flow for "", you will get the following Data table will be generated.

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