Send an email Action in Office365 Outlook Connector.(Power Automate Cloud flows)


Japanese version.

This action is to send an email using Office365 Outlook.

How to use

Select the "Office 365 Outlook" connector when adding steps to the flow.

Select "Send an email" from the "Actions" menu.

Set parameters.

ToRequired fieldSpecify the address (To) to which the mail is sent.
SubjectRequired fieldSpecify the subject of the e-mail.
BodyRequired fieldSpecify the body of the e-mail.
If you want to insert line breaks in the variable, you need to specify
From (Send as)User set for the connector.Specify the sender of the email (Office365 user).
CCEmptySpecify the address (CC) to which the mail is sent.
BCCEmptySpecify the address (BCC) to which the mail is sent.
Attachments NameRequired field when "Attachment Content" is set.Specify the name of the attached file. Multiple file names can be specified.
Attachments ContentEmptySpecifies the content of the attached file.
"File Content" for the dynamic content of file-related actions.
Multiple file names can be specified.
ImportanceLowSpecify the level of importance of the e-mail.

At a minimum, the email is sent by specifying the recipient, body, and subject, and then launching the flow.

The email will remain in the sender's Outlook mailbox as a sent item.

For those who want to learn Power Automate Cloud flow effectively

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By the end of this book, you will be equipped with the knowledge you need to use Power Automate Cloud flow to streamline your workflow.


Offce365 Outlook Connector

Examples of Use

Send newsletter.Email one line at a time from Excel book.