MAX Function. Get the largest number.(Microsoft Excel)


Japanese version.

The MAX function obtains the largest value among the specified numbers.

How it works

=MAX(number1 to 255)
number1 to 255Required argument.Specify the numerical values of the target.


Basic usage example.

If the specified value contains spaces, text, or boolean values, the maximum value is obtained, ignoring them.

If an error is included, the MAX function will also result in an error.

When used with XLOOKUP (VLOOKUP) functions, etc., formulas must be created with this in mind.

Specify other than cell range.

It is also possible to return a range of cells as the result of a function argument. In this case, the maximum value is taken from the result of the function.

List of functions that result in a range of cells.

TEXTSPLITTextDivides text into cells based on a specified character.
XLOOKUPLookup & ReferenceGet data matching the search value.
FILTERLookup & ReferenceGet a list of data that matches the condition.
UNIQUELookup & ReferenceDelete duplicate data in a specified cell range.
SEQUENCELookup & ReferenceCreate sequential numbers in multiple cells.
SORTLookup & ReferenceSort a range of cells by a specified column.
SORTBYLookup & ReferenceSort a cell range by specifying multiple reference columns.
DROPLookup & Referenceelete a specified number of rows and columns from a specified cell range.
TAKELookup & ReferenceObtains a specified number of rows and columns from a specified cell range.
TOCOLLookup & ReferenceArranges a specified range of cells in a single column.
TOROWLookup & ReferenceSort a specified range of cells into a single column.
EXPANDLookup & ReferenceExtended specified cell range.
CHOOSEROWSLookup & ReferenceGet the row at the specified position from the specified cell range.
CHOOSECOLSLookup & ReferenceGet the column at the specified position from the specified cell range.
WRAPROWSLookup & ReferenceSort a range of cells in a single column or row by a specified number of rows.
WRAPCOLSLookup & Reference
Sort a range of cells in a column or row by a specified number of columns.
VSTACKLookup & ReferenceMerge multiple cell ranges in row direction.
HSTACKLookup & ReferenceMerge multiple cell ranges in column direction.
TRANSPOSELookup & ReferenceCreate a cell range with the rows and columns of the specified cell range swapped.

It can also be specified as an array.


Multiple values can also be specified simply by separating them with commas.



Spill when using the BYROW or BYCOL function.

Row direction
Column direction



Maximum/minimum values for multiple values or cell ranges.

MINHighGet the smallest number.
MAXHighGet the largest number.
MINAMiddleGet the minimum value, including spaces and boolean values.
MAXAMiddleGet the maximum value, including spaces and boolean values.
MINIFSHighGet the minimum value in a cell that matches multiple criteria.
MAXIFSHighGet the maximum value in a cell that matches multiple criteria.

Microsoft Excel Functions Statistical

Examples of Use

How to find multiple texts with the FIND function.

How to perform a tally similar to the SUMIF function in an environment without the MAXIFS function (array formula)