TAKE Function. Get rows and columns from range of cells.(Microsoft Excel)


Japanese version.

The TAKE function is a new function added to Excel in September 2022 that retrieves a portion of a cell range.
This function is often used in combination with other functions.

How it works

arrayRequired argument.
Specify the target cell range.
rowsSpecifies the number of lines to retrieve.
To retrieve all rows, specify no number; to retrieve from the tail, specify a negative number.
columnsSpecifies the number of columns to retrieve.
To retrieve all columns, specify no number; to retrieve from the tail, specify a negative number.


The first argument is the target cell range, and the second argument is the number of rows to be retrieved.

If the second argument is negative, it is taken from the tail.

The third argument is optional.
This argument specifies the number of columns to retrieve.

To retrieve all rows, specify nothing for the second argument, followed by a comma.

The TAKE function is often combined with the Spill function.
For example, the SORT function is used.

If the SORT function is specified as the first argument of the TAKE function, only a portion of the results of the SORT function will be retrieved.
This makes it possible to sort the results by price, etc., and obtain only the top 3 results.



Microsoft Excel Functions Lookup & Reference