Lookup & Reference(Microsoft Excel Function)

Japanese version.

Get the number of regions within a specified cell range.

This is the number of contiguo ...

Lookup & Reference(Microsoft Excel Function)

Acquire formulas in specified cells as strings.

How it works=FORMULATEXT(reference)ArgumentOmissionSpecifyreferenc ...

Lookup & Reference(Microsoft Excel Function)

Japanese version.

Get cell addresses by specifying row and column numbers.

It is rarely used alone, but i ...

Lookup & Reference(Microsoft Excel Function)

Japanese version.

Specify a cell address as a string and get the value of that cell.

By itself, this func ...

Lookup & Reference(Microsoft Excel Function)

Japanese version.

The ROW and COLUMN functions are used to obtain the row and column numbers of a target cell.

Lookup & Reference(Microsoft Excel Function)

The UNIQUE function is a related function of Spill added in 2019 that removes duplicates in a cell range.It is also p ...

Lookup & Reference(Microsoft Excel Function)

The SORTBY function is a Spill related function implemented in 2019.
It is a function to sort a given list in the ...

Lookup & Reference(Microsoft Excel Function)

Japanese version.

Function to get the number of rows and columns in a range of cells specified in the argument. ...