Math & Trig(Microsoft Excel Function)

Japanese version.

Add and multiply together.

How it works=SUMPRODUCT(array1 to 255)NameOmissionSpecifyarray1 ...

Math & Trig(Microsoft Excel Function)

Japanese version.

SUMSQ function. Get the sum of squared values.

How it works=SUMSQ(Number1 to 255)NameOmiss ...

Math & Trig(Microsoft Excel Function)

Japanese version.

Aggregate only the values displayed.

Aggregate functions, such as the SUM function, inc ...

Math & Trig(Microsoft Excel Function)

Japanese version.

The PRODUCT function is a companion to the SUM function.

While the SUM function adds, t ...

Math & Trig(Microsoft Excel Function)

Japanese version.

The ABS function can be used to get a number without a positive or negative sign.

The S ...

Math & Trig(Microsoft Excel Function)

Japanese version.

Get the integer part of the result of division.

How it works=QUOTIENT(Numerator,Denominato ...

Math & Trig(Microsoft Excel Function)

Japanese version.

Performs a power of power calculation.

How it works=POWER(Number,Power)NameOmissionSpecify ...

Math & Trig(Microsoft Excel Function)

Japanese version.

Randomly obtains a small number greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1.

However, fo ...

Statistical(Microsoft Excel Function),uncategorized

Japanese version.

Get the number corresponding to the rank.

It works in reverse of the RANK function. ...

Statistical(Microsoft Excel Function)

Japanese version.

Get the rank in the range.

The RANK function has two functions that differ in their tre ...