Excel(Power Automate Desktop Action),uncategorized

Japanese version.

This is an action that changes the color of the cells in the specified cell range.
This a ...


Japanese version.

If an inequality sign is specified at the beginning of an aggregate function with conditional ...


Japanese version.

Some strings are treated as special characters called wildcards in the tabulation function wi ...

Statistical(Microsoft Excel Function),uncategorized

Japanese version.

Get the number corresponding to the rank.

It works in reverse of the RANK function. ...

Statistical(Microsoft Excel Function),uncategorized

Japanese version.

The TRIMMEAN function is a function that removes outliers and outliers, which are the weak po ...


Japanese version.

This function inverts Boolean values.

TRUE becomes FALSE and FALSE becomes TRUE.



Japanese version.

Get the value by specifying the item and search criteria.

However, this function will g ...

Tips(Power Automate Cloud flows),uncategorized

Japanese version.


In this example, the target date of the flow execution is retrieved.

However, it c ...

SharePoint Connector(Power Automate Cloud flows),uncategorized

Japanese version.

This action sets the URL and access permissions to files and list items in SharePoint for sha ...


Japanese version.

This action duplicates a file stored in SharePoint.

You can copy files in the same grou ...