Lookup & Reference(Microsoft Excel Function)

Japanese version.

Get cell addresses by specifying row and column numbers.

It is rarely used alone, but i ...

Lookup & Reference(Microsoft Excel Function)

Japanese version.

Specify a cell address as a string and get the value of that cell.

By itself, this func ...

Logical(Microsoft Excel Function)

Japanese version.

A companion to the AND and OR functions, it retrieves the exclusive OR.

XOR is TRUE onl ...

Logical(Microsoft Excel Function)

Japanese version.

This function is used to specify logical OR and logical AND for IF function, IFS function, co ...

Logical(Microsoft Excel Function)

Japanese version.

Specify multiple conditions and get the value corresponding to the first matching condition.

Logical(Microsoft Excel Function)

Japanese version.

Displays the first result matching the specified value.

How it works=SWITCH(expression, va ...

Date & Time(Microsoft Excel Functions)

Japanese version.

Get the day of the week corresponding to the date.

How it works=WEEKDAY(Serial_number,Valu ...

Logical(Microsoft Excel Function)

Japanese version.

Displays the corresponding value from 1 to 254

How it works=CHOOSE(Index_num,Value1 to Val ...

Database(Microsoft Excel Functions)

Japanese version.

Total values by specifying aggregate items and search criteria.

What is a database in Exce ...

Database(Microsoft Excel Functions)

Japanese version.

Get the result of multiplication by specifying the aggregate items and search conditions. ...