Statistical(Microsoft Excel Function)

Japanese version.

Function to create a frequency distribution table.

However, it is not easy to use and t ...

Lookup & Reference(Microsoft Excel Function)

Japanese version.

The ROW and COLUMN functions are used to obtain the row and column numbers of a target cell.

Tips(Microsoft Excel)

If you want to sum every other line, you can simply open and select one line at a time if the table has little data, ...

Tips(Microsoft Excel)

The FIND function, which searches a string for the number of characters in a given string, allows only one character ...

Statistical(Microsoft Excel Function)

The AVERAGEIF function is an extended version of the AVERAGE function that displays the average value of cells that s ...

Introduction(Microsoft Excel)

Japanese version.

There are two methods of cell referencing (specifying cells in formulas and functions): relat ...

Statistical(Microsoft Excel Function),uncategorized

This function prints the largest value in a cell that satisfies multiple criteria; it is an extension of the MAX func ...

Formula(Microsoft Excel)

Japanese version.

Array formulas are less well known, but are a powerful feature available in Excel 2007 or lat ...

Statistical(Microsoft Excel Function)

This function prints the smallest value in a cell that satisfies multiple criteria; it is an extension of the MIN fun ...

Statistical(Microsoft Excel Function),uncategorized

The MAXA function is a companion to the MAX function.

The difference is that the MAX function only includes num ...