Information(Microsoft Excel Function)

Japanese version.

Here are the specifications of the functions that determine the state of a cell and examples ...

Web(Microsoft Excel Function)

Japanese version.

This function is to get data for a string in XML format by specifying XPath.

It can als ...

Web(Microsoft Excel Function)

Japanese version.

This function is used to retrieve data by specifying a URL.

This function is mainly use ...

Web(Microsoft Excel Function)

Japanese version.

Characters that cannot be used in URLs (such as ? and &) to text that can be used in URLs ...

Data(Microsoft Excel)

Japanese version.

List of names, ledgers, and other tables can be conveniently converted to tables.

StepsSet ...

Formula(Microsoft Excel)

Cell ranges can be named to make formulas easier to understand and to facilitate book management.

This section ...

Statistical(Microsoft Excel Function)

Function to get the mode.

However, this function has been deprecated, so use the MODE.SNGL function.