Math & Trig(Microsoft Excel Function)

The CEILING and FLOOR functions can be used to round up or down The CEILING and FLOOR functions can be used to round ...

Math & Trig(Microsoft Excel Function)

The SUMIFS function displays the sum of cells that satisfy multiple conditions.

It is a higher version of the S ...

Text(Microsoft Excel Function)

The VALUE function converts a number or date entered as a string to a numeric value or a serial date/time value.

Text(Microsoft Excel Function)

The TRIM function removes all unnecessary spaces in a sentence.
It is suitable for formatting data imported from ...

Math & Trig(Microsoft Excel Function)

Function to get the greatest common divisor given multiple numbers.

How it works=GCD(number1 to 255)NameOmissionEx ...

Math & Trig(Microsoft Excel Function)

Japanese version.

Function to get the least common multiple given multiple numbers.

How it works=LCM(number1 ...