Send an email notification in Mail Connector(Power Automate Cloud flows)


Japanese version.

This action sends a notification e-mail at an arbitrary timing.

Unlike Outlook, this action only sends email and has a fixed sender, so it is specialized for alert and notification emails.

Since it does not use the mailer, no sent items remain.

How to use

Select the "Mail" connector when adding steps to the flow.

Select the "Send an email notification" from the "Action" menu.

Set Parameters.



Specify the address (To) to which the mail is sent.


Specify the title of the e-mail.


Specify the body of the e-mail.

If you want to insert a line break in the body, you must specify <br> tag.

To Names

Specifies the display name of the To.

CC, CC Names, BCC, BCC Names

Specify CC and BCC email addresses and display names.


Specify the contents of the attachment.

Use "file content," which is the dynamic content of file-related actions.

Attachment File Name

Specify the name of the attached file.



Mail Connector(Power Automate Cloud flows)

Examples of Use

How to send an email.

Send newsletter.Email one line at a time from Excel book.