Add new worksheet Action(Power Automate Desktop)
This action adds a new worksheet to an Excel book.
How to use
Specify the target file in Launch Excel Action or Attach Running Excel Action and drag Add new worksheet Action from Excel to the Workspace.

Set parameters.

Excel instance
Specify the target Excel file.
Specify the Variables produced for the Launch Excel Action or the Attach to running Excel Action.

New worksheet name
Specify the name of the sheet to be added.

Add worksheet as
Specify the position of the sheet to be added.
Select the first (leftmost) or the last (rightmost).

Variables produced
Not present in this Action.
On error
Error handling is performed as needed.

A worksheet with the same name alreadey exists
This is an error when the specified sheet name already exists.
Failed to add worksheet
This is an error when adding a sheet fails because the number of sheets exceeds the limit or for some other reason.
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