Export email Action in Office365 Outlook Connector.


Japanese version.

This action extracts a specified Outlook email as a file.

This action alone does not save the file.

How to use

Select the "Office 365 Outlook" connector when adding steps to the flow.

Select "Export email" from the "Actions" menu.

Set parameters.


Message Id

Specify the ID of the target e-mail.

Specify the "Id" which is the dynamic content of other actions and triggers.

Triggers with message Id as dynamic content.

Actions with message "Id" as dynamic content.

Dynamic contents


File contents of the email.

Save this with "Create file(OneDrive For Business)" or "Create file(GoogleDrive)".

The file name will often use the subject line of the e-mail or the date and time it was received.

Export email" does not have any items other than "body", but when retrieving "Message Id", other items are also retrieved.

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Offce365 Outlook Connector