Create file Action in OneDrive For Business Connector.(Power Automate Cloud flows)
This action creates a file in any folder in OneDrive.
How to use
Select the "OneDrive For Business" connector when adding steps to the flow.
Select "Create file" from the "Actions" menu.
Set parameters.
Folder Path
Specify the folder where the file will be created.
File Name
Specify the name of the file to be created.
If a file with the same name already exists, it will be overwritten.
File Content
Specify the contents of the file to be created.
The contents of the file can be specified as follows.
- Fixed text.
- Dynamic content of other actions and triggers.
For fixed text, specify without quotation marks.
In the example below, a text file with ABCD will be created.
Dynamic contents
Typical items used in subsequent steps are as follows
Metadata for the created file is available.
File identifier.
File name.
Full path of the file.
Last modified time
Last update.
Last modified by
Last updated by user name.
Bytes in file.
Media type
MINE type of file.
Is folder?
True if it is a folder; False if it is not a folder.
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