Specify date range to retrieve mail. (Power Automate Desktop)
Currently, there is no date range item in the email filter.
As an alternative, this article will show you how to specify conditions by date in the email.
The premise is that it is not possible to filter at this point of acquisition.
This is achieved by performing conditional judgment on the acquired e-mail.
Overall view of Flow
Robin(for copy and paste)
Can be copied and pasted into Power Automate Desktop.
For Outlook.
Outlook.Launch Instance=> OutlookInstance Outlook.RetrieveEmailMessages.RetrieveEmails Instance: OutlookInstance Account: `` MailFolder: $'''INBOX''' EmailsToRetrieve: Outlook.RetrieveMessagesMode.All MarkAsRead: True Messages=> RetrievedEmails2 DateTime.GetCurrentDateTime.Local DateTimeFormat: DateTime.DateTimeFormat.DateOnly CurrentDateTime=> CurrentDateTime DateTime.Add DateTime: CurrentDateTime TimeToAdd: -1 TimeUnit: DateTime.TimeUnit.Days ResultedDate=> ToDate DateTime.Add DateTime: CurrentDateTime TimeToAdd: -30 TimeUnit: DateTime.TimeUnit.Days ResultedDate=> FromDate LOOP FOREACH CurrentItem IN RetrievedEmails IF (FromDate <= CurrentItem.Date AND CurrentItem.Date <= ToDate) = True THEN # Place the action to be taken on the filtered email, and you are done END END
Except Outlook.
Email.RetrieveEmails.Retrieve IMAPServer: `` Port: 993 EnableSSL: True Username: `` Password: `` AcceptUntrustedCertificates: False MailFolder: $'''INBOX''' MailsToRetrieve: Email.RetrieveMessagesMode.All MarkAsRead: True RetrievedEmails=> RetrievedEmails DateTime.GetCurrentDateTime.Local DateTimeFormat: DateTime.DateTimeFormat.DateOnly CurrentDateTime=> CurrentDateTime DateTime.Add DateTime: CurrentDateTime TimeToAdd: -1 TimeUnit: DateTime.TimeUnit.Days ResultedDate=> ToDate DateTime.Add DateTime: CurrentDateTime TimeToAdd: -30 TimeUnit: DateTime.TimeUnit.Days ResultedDate=> FromDate LOOP FOREACH CurrentItem IN RetrievedEmails IF (FromDate <= CurrentItem.Date AND CurrentItem.Date <= ToDate) = True THEN # Place the action to be taken on the filtered email, and you are done END END
The first step is to set up "Retrieve email messages Action".
If the incoming e-mail is an e-mail address registered in Outlook,
This will replace "Launch Outlook" and "Retrieve email messages from Outlook".
Ideally, you should be able to filter out as many messages as possible in this optional mail filter (other than by date).
Next, prepare the search range in a date/time variable.
The date range depends on the purpose, but in this example, the condition is 30 days before the day before the current date and time.
Get "Get current date and time" is used to get the "Current date only".
Next, set up two "Add to datetime" to create variables for the previous day and the date 30 days prior. (The name of the variable to be generated is arbitrary.)
Parameter | Previous day | 30 days prior |
Datetime | %CurrentDateTime% | %CurrentDateTime% |
Add | -1 | -30 |
Time unit | Days | Days |
Name of variable produced | %ToDate% | %FromDate% |
Then place a For each and specify %RetrievedEmails% as the "Value to iterate".
Parameter | Value |
First operand | %FromDate <= CurrentItem.Date AND CurrentItem.Date <= ToDate% |
Operator | Equal to (=) |
Second operand | %True% |
Finally, in the "If", place the action to be taken on the filtered email, and you are done.
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