Display input dialog.(Power Automate Desktop)

Japanese version.

The "Display input dialog" Action is used to prompt the user for keyboard input.

How to use.

Drag "Display input dialog" from "Message Boxes" under "Actions" onto the Workspace.

Set parameters.


Input dialog title

Specifies the title.

Input dialog message

Specify the message to be displayed in the dialog.

It is effective to describe what kind of content you want the user to enter.

Default value

Specifies the value initially entered in the input field.

In many cases, this field will be left blank.

Input type

Single lineThis is a one-line input field only.
PasswordThe input field is the same as for one line, except that the input value is not displayed.
MultilineThis is a line breakable input field.

Keep input dialog display always on top

If ON, it will always be displayed.

Turning it OFF hides it behind other windows.

Turning it ON is probably easier to use in many cases.

Variables produced


The input result is stored.

The input value is also reflected when the "Cancel" button is pressed.


The button that was pressed is stored.

This is used when you want to change the behavior of the subsequent flow depending on the result of the dialog.

Button pressedValue

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Message boxes Actions