Display message.(Power Automate Desktop)
The "Display message" Action displays a notification dialog on the screen. This action is used to inform the user that a process has been completed or that an error has occurred.
How to use.
Drag " Display message" Action from the "Message boxes" under "Actions" to the Workspace.
Set parameters.
Message box title
Specifies the title.
Message to display
Specify the message string.
Titles and messages can be enclosed in % to specify formulas or variables.
In the example below, the title is 6 and the message is 8.
Message box icon
Specifies the icon next to the message.
Select | Icon |
None | No icon. |
Information | |
Question | |
Warning | |
Error |
Message Box Buttons
Specifies the type of buttons to be displayed on the dialog.
Select | Buttons |
OK | |
OK - Cancel | |
Yes - No | |
Yes - No - Cancel | |
Abort - Retry - lgnore | |
Retry - Cancel |
Default Button
Specifies the button that will be highlighted first when displayed.
It is also the button that responds when ENTER is pressed.
Here is an example specifying the Third button. (Emphasis on the third Cancel button.)
keep message box always on top
If ON, the message box will always be displayed.
Turning it OFF hides it behind other windows.
Turning it ON is probably easier to use in many cases.
Close the message box automatically
Specify the number of seconds, and the dialog will close automatically.
When automatically closed, the button highlighted at that time is treated as pressed.
Variables produced
Stores the button that was pressed.
This is used when you want to change the behavior of the subsequent flow depending on the result of the dialog.
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Message boxes Actions
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