Tips(Microsoft Excel)

Japanese version.

Using Google Analytics UTM parameters as an example, we will
I will show you a formula to ...

Introduction(Microsoft Excel)

Includes information on how to insert, delete, and find newlines in cells.

Tips(Microsoft Excel)

Japanese version.

Here is a formula that performs a cross tabulation in Spill.
This formula automatically r ...

Math & Trig(Microsoft Excel Function)

Function to get the greatest common divisor given multiple numbers.

How it works=GCD(number1 to 255)NameOmissionEx ...

Math & Trig(Microsoft Excel Function)

Japanese version.

Function to get the least common multiple given multiple numbers.

How it works=LCM(number1 ...

Tips(Microsoft Excel)

This section shows how to extract only numbers from a mixed string of numbers and non-numbers.

Tips(Microsoft Excel)

There is no function in Excel that reverses the order of strings, but there is a way to achieve this by combining sev ...