Extract text with OCR Action(Power Automate Desktop)


Japanese version.

It reads screen or image text and converts it into text data that can be handled by Power Automate Desktop.

How to use

Drag "Extract text with OCR" under "PDF".

Set parameters.


OCR engine type

The "Windows OCR engine" has more languages that can be used, so this is basically recommended.

  • Windows OCR engine
  • Tesseract engine

OCR source

Specify the text to be read.

  • Screen
  • Foreground window
  • Image on disk

For "Image on disk", also specify the path to the image.

Search mode

When a sub-area is specified, the position is also specified in X and Y coordinates.

  • Whole of specified source
  • Specific sbregion only
  • Subregion relative to image

A narrower search is possible.

Windows OCR language

This is the language setting when the "OCR engine type" is "Windows OCR engine".

Use other language

"Tesseract Engine" setting.

Turn ON if you want to use languages other than English, German, Spanish, French, or Italian.

Language abbreviation.

"Tesseract Engine" setting.

Set this if "Use other language" is ON.

Select the code from "Lang Code" here.

Language data path

"Tesseract Engine" setting.

Set this if "Use other language" is ON.

Download the "<Lang Code>.traineddata" and "<Lang Code>_vert.traineddata" files.

Specify the directory where the two files are stored.

For example, "jpn.traineddata" and "jpn_vert.traineddata" in Japanese.

Tesseract language

This is the setting for the "Tesseract engine".

If "Use other language" is ON, this parameter is not displayed.

  • English
  • German
  • Spanish
  • French
  • Italian

Image width multiplier/Image height multiplier

Adjust for high-resolution images and screens.

Variables produced


The read text is stored.

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By the end of this book, you will be equipped with the knowledge you need to use Power Automate Desktop to streamline your workflow.

Table of Contents.

Update History.


OCR Actions

Examples of Use

How to save the contents of a PDF to a text file.