Split text Action(Power Automate Desktop)


Japanese version.

This action splits text into individual elements of a list, separated by specified text (space, comma, line break, etc.).

It is the counterpart of the Join text Action.

How to use

Drag Split text from Text onto the Workspace.

Set parameter.


Text to split

Specifies the text to be split.

Delimiter type

StanderdUnder Standard delimiter, select from Space, Tab, and New line.

Next, specify the number of characters in Times.
For example, if you select space for Standard delimiter, then
1 will split one space character, 2 will split two spaces, 3 will split four spaces, and so on.
3 will split 4 spaces, and so on, doubling the number of characters.
You will probably leave this item at 1 or use Custom.
CustomUse to split by any character.
Specify any character for the custom delimiter.
Two or more characters are also acceptable.
In most cases, you will use a delimiter such as "," and "||".

Regular expressions are diverse but infrequently used.

The most likely use case is when multiple delimiters are used.
For example, to specify , (comma), || (pipe), tab (TAB character), and half-width space
The following is an example of a case in which multiple delimiters are used.
,| |\|\||\t

The "|" is used in cases where any of the above applies.
,| |\|\||\t

"\|\|" means "||".
"\" is a character used to treat characters with special meanings, such as "|", as ordinary characters without special meanings.
character to treat it as an ordinary character with no special meaning.
,| |\|\||\t

"\t" means Tab.
,| |\|\||\t
Number of charactersThe text is divided by the number of characters specified in Split Width.

If Split Width is set to 1, the text is split one character at a time.
The result of "TEXT1234" is [T,E,X,T,1,2,3,4].

If Split Width is set to 3, the text is split one character at a time.
The number of characters in Text to split need not be divisible by the number of Split Width.
The result of "TEXT1234" is [TEX,T12,34].

Variables produced

The result of the action is stored. The name of this variable can be changed.

If the same action is used more than once, it is recommended to change the name to something that indicates the type of value.

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Text Actions

Examples of Use

How to convert URL parameters (GET parameters) into Data table.

Get details of window Action

Get details of a UI element in window Action