NETWORKDAYS and NETWORKDAYS.INTL functions. Retrieve the number of business days for the specified period.(Microsoft Excel)

Japanese version.

Retrieve the number of business days for the specified period.

How it works

NETWORKDAYS: Fixed weekends on Saturday and Sunday.

Start_dateRequired argument.The start date of the period.
End_dateRequired argument.The end date of the period.
HolidaysNo holidays.Dates (cell range) to exclude from business days, such as vacations and summer vacation.

NETWORKDAYS.INTL: Specify the day of the week for the weekend.

Start_dateRequired argument.The start date of the period.
End_dateRequired argument.The end date of the period.
Weekend1Weekend Patterns. (see below for details)
HolidaysNo holidays.Dates (cell range) to exclude from business days, such as vacations and summer vacation.


There are two methods of designation.

Specified by number.

This method is appropriate when the weekends are consecutive or only one day.

1Saturday and Sunday
2Sunday and Monday
3Monday and Tuesday
4Tuesday and Wednesday
5Wednesday and Thursday
6Thursday and Friday
7Friday and Saturday
11Sunday only
12Monday only
13Tuesday only
14Wednesday only
15Thursday only
16Friday only
17Saturday only
Specified by string.

The following rules are for strings.

  • 0 is a holiday. 1 is a business day.
  • The 7 characters are written in the order of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

For example, "0000011" for a weekly holiday on Saturday and Sunday, and "1000001" for a Monday and Sunday holiday.

If the weekends are not consecutive, the string must be specified.

Example Results

Prepare a worksheet for calculations and a worksheet for holidays.

Write the NETWORKDAYS function on the calculation sheet.

NETWORKDAYS.INTL also specifies a weekend pattern.

Specified by number.
Specified by string.



Date & Time(Microsoft Excel Functions)