Move to the specified cell in the Excel book.(Power Automate Desktop)


Japanese version.

The larger the Excel book, the more difficult it becomes to scroll around.
This flow eliminates that hassle.

Overall view of Flow

Move to the specified cell

Move to last row/column with value

Robin(for copy and paste)

Move to the specified cell

Excel.LaunchExcel.LaunchAndOpenUnderExistingProcess Path: $'''C:\\Test\\Src.xlsx''' Visible: True ReadOnly: False Instance=> ExcelInstance
Excel.SetActiveWorksheet.ActivateWorksheetByName Instance: ExcelInstance Name: $'''Sheet1'''
Excel.ActivateCellInExcel.ActivateCell Instance: ExcelInstance Column: 5 Row: 5

Move to last row/column with value

Excel.LaunchExcel.LaunchAndOpenUnderExistingProcess Path: $'''C:\\Test\\Src.xlsx''' Visible: True ReadOnly: False Instance=> ExcelInstance
Excel.SetActiveWorksheet.ActivateWorksheetByName Instance: ExcelInstance Name: $'''Sheet1'''
Excel.GetFirstFreeColumnRow Instance: ExcelInstance FirstFreeColumn=> FirstFreeColumn FirstFreeRow=> FirstFreeRow
Excel.ActivateCellInExcel.ActivateCell Instance: ExcelInstance Column: FirstFreeColumn - 1 Row: FirstFreeRow - 1

Flow creation steps

Move to the specified cell

Set up Launch Excel Action.

Launch Exceland open the following document
Document pathPath of the target Excel book.
Make instance visibleON
Open as ReadOnlyOFF

Set up Set active Excel Worksheet Action.

Active worksheet withName
Worksheet nameThe name of the sheet to move to.

Set up Activate Cell in Excel worksheet Action.

ActivateAbsolutely specifued cell
Column/RowCells to move to.

Executing this flow will move to the specified cell.

Move to last row/column with value

To move to the last column or row you are using, click
Before Activate Cell in Excel worksheet Action.
Set up Get first free column/row from Excel worksheet Action.

The filter must be deactivated, as it may not be the last row if it is hidden by an Excel filter.

The Activate Cell in Excel worksheet Action is set up as follows.

ActivateAbsolutely specifued cell
Column%FirstFreeColumn - 1%
Row%FirstFreeRow - 1%

Execute this flow to move to the last column/row you are using.

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Table of Contents.

Update History.


Tips(Power Automate Desktop)