lessOrEquals. Logical.(Power Automate Cloud flows)

Japanese version.

Compares two values of the argument, True if the first value is less than or equal to the second value, False otherwise.

The second value is greater than or equal to the first value.True
The second value is less than the first value.False


Required fieldValue to be determined. The following results are obtained.
 True …value <= compareTo
 False…value > compareTo

How to use

Often used in "Condition".

It is frequently used among the "value" in "Initialize variable" or "Set variable" of Type "Boolean".

Click on the "Expressions" tab, lessOrEquals, and the function name and () will be set in the formula field.

Specify two values in it.

If you want to use dynamic contents or variables, specify them specially.

(How to get dynamic content with an expression)

lessOrEquals(99,100) yields True because the first value is smaller.

Text-to-text comparisons are also made in the order of the characters.

However, if one is numerical and one is text, the comparison cannot be made and an error will result.

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By the end of this book, you will be equipped with the knowledge you need to use Power Automate Cloud flow to streamline your workflow.


Logical Functions