Download folder(s) from FTP(Power Automate Desktop Action)

Japanese version.

This action retrieves a folder from the server to which FTP or SFTP is connected.

The files and folders under the folder are also downloaded together.

How to use

Drag "Download folder(s) from FTP" under "FTP".

The location is put in place between "Open FTP connection" or "Open secure FTP connection" and "Close connection".

Set parameters.


FTP connection

Specifies an FTP or SFTP connection.

Variables produced by "Open FTP connection" or "Open secure FTP connection".

If the variable already exists, it will be automatically set when the action is put in place.

Folder(s) to download

Specify the path on the FTP server of the folder to retrieve.

Download into local folder

Specify the folder to download to (Windows).

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FTP Actions