Parse text Action.(Power Automate Desktop)


Japanese version.

This action searches for text and gets the starting position.

This function is similar to Excel's FIND function.

If the search is for a regular expression, the matching text is also retrieved.

How to use

Drag "Parse text Action" from Text onto the Workspace.

Set parameter.


Text to be parse/find

Gets the starting position of the text to be parsed and retrieved.

Is regular expression

When turned ON, "Text to find" is treated as a regular expression,The starting position as well as the matching text will be retrieved.

There are a wide variety of regular expressions, but the following are typical ones that are used frequently.
As an example, the string "aB1C2dE" is parsed.

Regular expressionDescription.Results (in red).
[0-9]Numerical valueaB1C2dE
B.*2Starts with a B and ends with a 2.aB1C2dE

Start parsing at position

Specifies the starting position with 0 as the beginning.

First occurrence only

When ON, only the first result is stored in the variable.

When OFF, all results are stored in the list.

Ignore case

When turned on, searches are case-insensitive.

Variables produced


The starting position of the search result is stored. If there is no matching text, it is set to -1.


The matched text is stored. Only regular expressions are generated.

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Update History.


Text Actions

Examples of Use

How to remove URL parameters.

How to leave only the GET parameter from the URL.

How to extract characters before, after, or between specific text.