Tips(Power Automate Desktop)

Learn how to get the number, total, average, maximum, and minimum of numbers in a list in Power Automate Desktop. ...

Tips(Power Automate Desktop)

Japanese version.

Here is an example of a file extension for which we received a question.

If the extensi ...

Tips(Power Automate Desktop)

Introduces how to delete multiple rows or multiple columns in an Excel book.

Tips(Power Automate Desktop)

Japanese version.

If you turn off Make instance visible in the Launch Excel Action parameter Excel will start a ...

Tips(Power Automate Desktop)

I will show you in the sample to delete a row if a particular column is blank.

Tips(Power Automate Desktop)

Introduction of how to move to the specified cell in the Excel book and to the last cell used.

Tips(Power Automate Desktop)

Introduce how to get the last row and column where a value exists in an Excel book.

Tips(Power Automate Desktop)

Introduce a flow to record the contents of each incoming e-mail (subject, date/time, body, sender's address, etc.) in ...