Tips(Power Automate Desktop)

This section shows how to round down, round up, and round off to the nearest whole number.

Tips(Power Automate Desktop)

This section shows how to extract the left or right and between characters from a specified character.

Tips(Power Automate Desktop)

Japanese version.

Learn how to leave text from the left or right with a specified number of characters.

Over ...

Tips(Power Automate Desktop)

Learn how to perform URL encoding or decoding in Power Automate Desktop.

Tips(Power Automate Desktop)

Learn how to get the day of the week from a date in Power Automate Desktop.

Tips(Power Automate Desktop)

Learn how to extract text in a PDF file and save it to a text file.

Tips(Power Automate Desktop)

This section shows how to save email attachments to a specified folder.

In this example, only PDF files are sav ...

Tips(Power Automate Desktop)

Japanese version.

In “Send email” or “Send email message through Outlook“, to send mail ...