Read from Word document Action(Power Automate Desktop)

Japanese version.

This action retrieves the content of a Word document and sets it to a variable.

How to use

Drag Read from Word document from Word onto the workspace.

Set Parameters.


Word Instance

Specify the target Word file.

Specify the variable generated by "Launch Word" or "Attach to running Word" for this parameter.


Select how the values are to be retrieved.

Additional parameters to be specified depend on the selection.

Whole Document

Get the entire contents of a Word instance.


Specify the number of pages and the contents of one page.


Specifies the contents of the bookmark location set in Word.

Variables produced


Variable to store the captured values.

Basically, you can leave it as it is, but if you want to read values in multiple actions, change the name to indicate what kind of value it is.

On Error

Error handling is performed as needed.

Detects errors where values cannot be retrieved from a Word document for some reason.

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By the end of this book, you will be equipped with the knowledge you need to use Power Automate Desktop to streamline your workflow.

Table of Contents.

Update History.


Word Actions.