Request an explanation of Excel formulas.(ChatGPT)

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Here is a way to ask ChatGPT to explain Excel formulas to you.

This is useful when you need to understand formulas created by others.

  • When someone who is not familiar with Excel formulas wants to examine them.
  • When you want to verify that it is correct by comparing it with your own interpretation.
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Enter the following into ChatGPT.

Explain what this Excel formula does.

Below is the full text of the response.

This Excel formula uses several functions to achieve its result.

The IF function returns a value depending on whether a specified condition is true or false. In this case, the condition being checked is whether a value is found in a specified range.

The ISERROR function returns a Boolean value indicating whether an expression contains an error.

The VLOOKUP function searches a range of cells for a specified key and returns the value of the cell in the same row as the key.

Overall, this formula checks whether the value in cell D4 is found in the range $B$4:$B$9. If it is found, the formula returns the text "Hit". If it is not found, the formula returns the text "Miss". For example, if D4 contains the value "apple" and "apple" is found in the range $B$4:$B$9, the formula will return "Hit". If "apple" is not found in the range, the formula will return "Miss".

We recommend that you try three different patterns, as the explanations are sometimes difficult to understand.

It is possible to understand even reasonably complex formulas. Below is a formula to find out how many texts in C3 are contained in B3.

Explain what this Excel formula does.

Below is the full text of the response.

This Excel formula uses several functions to achieve its result.

The IFERROR function returns a value if a specified expression results in an error. In this case, the expression being evaluated is the quotient of the length of the string and the length of a substring, and if an error occurs, the function returns 0.

The LEN function returns the length of a string.

The SUBSTITUTE function replaces a substring within a string with another substring.

Overall, this formula calculates the number of occurrences of a specified substring within a given string. It does this by first substituting the specified substring with an empty string within the given string, and then subtracting the length of the resulting string from the length of the original string. The result is then divided by the length of the specified substring to give the number of occurrences. If the specified substring is not found in the given string, the formula returns 0.

For example, if the value in cell B3 is "apple, banana, orange, banana, mango" and the value in cell C3 is "banana", the formula will return 2, since "banana" appears twice in the string.

This article was written in March 2023, but the IMAGE function, which was added around December 2022, was recognized.

Explain what this Excel formula does.

Below is the full text of the response.

This Excel formula displays an image in a cell using a URL as the image source.

The IMAGE function in Excel is used to display an image in a cell. In this case, the function is passed a URL as an argument. The URL points to an image of the Microsoft Surface Laptop 4 in platinum color, in two different sizes, with a resolution of 1920x600 pixels.

When this formula is entered in a cell, the image is retrieved from the URL and displayed within the cell. However, it should be noted that displaying images using the IMAGE function requires an active internet connection and a version of Excel that supports this function. Additionally, the image may not display correctly if the URL is not valid or the image file is no longer available at the specified URL.

Examples of unanswerable questions

Uncommon functions are used

It seems to be difficult when functions that are not used very often are used.

Below is a formula that displays sheet names with formulas, but I could not answer that much.

Explain what this Excel formula does.

Below is the full text of the response.

This Excel formula uses the CELL function to retrieve information about the current workbook, and the RIGHT, LEN, and FIND functions to extract a specific portion of the workbook filename.

The CELL function in Excel returns information about a cell or range reference, including information about the workbook itself.

The RIGHT function in Excel returns a specified number of characters from the right-hand side of a string.

The LEN function in Excel returns the length of a string.

The FIND function in Excel returns the position of a specified character or substring within a string.

Overall, this formula extracts the name of the current workbook file, without the file path and extension. The formula first uses the CELL function to retrieve information about the current workbook filename. It then uses the FIND function to find the position of the closing bracket ("]") within the filename, which separates the file path from the actual filename. It then uses the LEN function to determine the length of the filename, and subtracts the position of the closing bracket from the length of the filename to determine the number of characters to be extracted from the right-hand side of the filename. Finally, the formula uses the RIGHT function to extract the specified number of characters from the right-hand side of the filename.

For example, if the current workbook filename is "C:\Users\John\Documents\Workbook1.xlsx", the formula will return "Workbook1" as the result. This is because the formula first finds the position of the closing bracket "]" in the filename, which is at position 33. It then determines the length of the filename, which is 37. Subtracting 33 from 37 gives a result of 4, which is the number of characters to be extracted from the right-hand side of the filename. Finally, the formula uses the RIGHT function to extract the last 4 characters of the filename, which is "1.xlsx", and returns this as the result.

Information that cannot be read from the formula

For example, the following formula adds a 10% commission rate to cell A1.

Explain what this Excel formula does.

Of course, without the assumed information, it is impossible to know what 10% is.

Below is the full text of the response.

This Excel formula multiplies the value in cell A1 by a factor of 1.10, or 110%, and returns the result.

The formula uses the multiplication operator (*) to multiply the value in cell A1 by the factor of 1.10. The result is a value that is 110% of the original value.

For example, if the value in cell A1 is 100, the formula will return a result of 110. This is because 100 multiplied by 1.10 equals 110. Similarly, if the value in cell A1 is 50, the formula will return a result of 55, since 50 multiplied by 1.10 equals 55.

This formula is commonly used to calculate a price increase or to add a percentage increase to a value. The factor of 1.10 can be modified to a different percentage value as needed.

Giving information about what this 10% is changes the answer.

Explain what this Excel formula does.10% is the commission rate.

Below is the full text of the response.

This Excel formula multiplies the value in cell A1 by 1.10, or 110%, to calculate a commission that is 10% of the original value.

The formula uses the multiplication operator (*) to multiply the value in cell A1 by 1.10. The result is the value of the original amount plus 10% of that amount, which represents the commission earned.

For example, if the value in cell A1 is 1000, the formula will return a result of 1100. This is because 1000 multiplied by 1.10 equals 1100, which represents the original amount plus 10% commission. Similarly, if the value in cell A1 is 500, the formula will return a result of 550, since 500 multiplied by 1.10 equals 550.

This formula is commonly used in sales or finance calculations to determine a commission based on a percentage of a sale or transaction. The commission rate can be modified as needed by changing the multiplier value in the formula.

However, if it is a general matter, it may be anticipated and answered.

This is a formula that extracts values from URL parameters (query parameters).

Explain what this Excel formula does.

Below is the full text of the response.

This Excel formula uses the SUBSTITUTE, MID, FIND, and IFERROR functions to extract a specific substring from a URL, and remove a portion of the string based on a specified substring.

The SUBSTITUTE function in Excel replaces one substring within a string with another substring.

The MID function in Excel extracts a substring from a string, starting at a specified position and continuing for a specified length.

The FIND function in Excel returns the position of a specified character or substring within a string.

The IFERROR function in Excel returns a specified value if an expression results in an error.

Overall, this formula extracts a specific portion of a URL string, and removes a specific substring from the extracted portion. The formula first uses the FIND function to locate the position of a specified substring (defined by cell B$1) within the URL string. It then uses the MID function to extract a portion of the URL string starting from the position of the specified substring. The formula calculates the length of this portion of the URL string by finding the position of the "&" character (which denotes the end of the substring), and subtracting the position of the specified substring from it. If there is an error in calculating the length (which can occur if the specified substring is not found), the formula uses the length of the original URL string instead. Finally, the formula uses the SUBSTITUTE function to remove the specified substring (defined by cell B$1) followed by an equals sign, from the extracted portion of the URL string.

For example, if the value in cell A2 is "", and the value in cell B$1 is "term", the formula will return "Excel" as the result. This is because the formula first finds the position of the substring "term" within the URL string, which is 24. It then extracts a portion of the URL string starting from position 24, with a length of 5 characters (the length of the substring "Excel" plus the length of the equals sign). Finally, the formula removes the substring "term=" from the extracted portion of the URL string, leaving only "Excel" as the result.



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