JavaScript Variable data type

The object type is one of the basic data types in JavaScript and represents a complex data structure that consists of ...


The prototype chain in JavaScript is the mechanism by which object properties are accessed, where if a property does ...


HTML is a markup language used to describe the structure and content of web pages, while JavaScript is a scripting la ...

JavaScript Variable data type

Japanese version.

Symbol is a new data type introduced in ECMAScript 6 (ES6) that is used to represent a unique ...

JavaScript Variable data type

Includes an explanation of undefined (a special value indicating that the value is undefined) and how it differs from ...

JavaScript Variable data type

Includes a description of null (a special value indicating that a value does not exist), its determination, and how i ...

JavaScript Variable data type

Introduction to the string (string) type and typical string operations. Using quotes, creating, concatenating, gettin ...

JavaScript Variable data type

Introduces the use of the boolean type.

JavaScript Variable data type

Introduces the use of the number type.