Zip files Action(Power Automate Desktop)

Japanese version.

Create a ZIP file by specifying a folder or file.

ZIP files with passwords can also be created.

How to use

Drag "Zip files" from "Compression" under "Actions".

Set parameters.


Archive path

Specify the path of the archive file to be created and the file variable to be overwritten.

File(s) to zip

Specify files and folders to include in the Zip file.
Specify the files and folders to be included in the Zip file by path text or file or folder variables.

Compression level

Specify whether file size or compression/decompression speed is more important for the ZIP file after creation.

  • None
  • Best speed
  • Best balance of speed and compression
  • Best compression


Specify a password. If no password is specified, the file will be created without a password.

Archive comment

Specifies comments on the Zip file.

This is likely to be used infrequently since there are few ways to check comments.

Variables produced


The resulting Zip file is stored as a file variable.

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Compression Actions