Collection Functions(Power Automate Cloud flows)


Japanese version.

Collection Functions

Function to retrieve array items

firstHighFunction to get the first item in an array.
first also has a separate function of the same name to get the first character of the text.
It works in the opposite way to last.
lastHighFunction to get the last item in an array.
last also has a separate function of the same name to get the last character of the text.
It works in the opposite way to first.
takeMiddleTakes a sub-array of the specified number of items from the beginning of the array.
take also has a separate text function with the same name.
itemHighFunction to retrieve the current item when looping through an array.

Function to merge multiple arrays

intersectionMiddleFunction to create a new array with the common items of two arrays.
unionMiddleThis function merges two or more arrays to create a new array.
If the arrays contain the same elements, they are deduplicated to form a single item.

Function to get information about an array

containsHighThis function checks whether an array contains a specified item.
There is also a function of the same name that checks whether a given text is contained.
emptyHighThis function checks to see if one or more items exist in the  array.
empty also has a function of the same name that checks whether one or more characters of text exist.
lengthMiddleFunction to get the number of items in an array.
length also has a function of the same name to get the number of characters.


joinMiddleThis function joins arrays by specifying a delimiter.
The result is text.
It works in the opposite way of split.
skipMiddleDeletes any number of items from the top of the array.
chunkMiddleThe chunk function divides an array into multiple arrays of equal size.
The chunk function has a string function of the same name. It divides a single text into multiple texts of equal size.
sortMiddleFunction to sort array contents in ascending order.
If you want to sort in descending order, use the reverse function together.
reverseMiddleFunction to reverse sort the contents of an array .

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By the end of this book, you will be equipped with the knowledge you need to use Power Automate Cloud flow to streamline your workflow.

