How to shift the result of the VLOOKUP function up or down one line.(Microsoft Excel)
As this cannot be achieved with the VLOOKUP function, a similar result is obtained with another function.
XLOOKUP function
The XLOOKUP function has a different argument specification, which makes it feasible.
Specify the get range by shifting one line, as in the example.
=XLOOKUP(Search value, Search range, Get range)
If the range of get items is shifted down one line, the result is also shifted down one line.

If the range of get items is shifted up one line, the result is also shifted up one line.

It does not matter if you shift more than one line.
INDEX and MATCH functions
For the INDEX and MATCH functions, the formulas are a little more complex.
This is mainly used in versions where the XLOOKUP function cannot be used.
=INDEX(Get range, MATCH( Search value, Search range,0) + Number of rows to shift)
If it is to be shifted down, the formula is as follows.
=INDEX(E2:E5,MATCH(A2,D2:D5,0) + 1)

If it is to be shifted up, the formula is as follows.
=INDEX(E2:E5,MATCH(A2,D2:D5,0) - 1)

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