DAYS360 function. Calculate the number of days between two dates, using a year as 360 days (12 months x 30 days).(Microsoft Excel)
Japanese version. Calculate the number of day ...
NETWORKDAYS and NETWORKDAYS.INTL functions. Retrieve the number of business days for the specified period.(Microsoft Excel)
Japanese version. Retrieve the number of busi ...
DAYS function. Get the number of days between two dates.(Microsoft Excel)
YEARFRAC function. Get the percentage of the period between the two dates in a year.(Microsoft Excel)
WEEKNUM and ISOWEEKNUM functions. Get how many weeks in the year the date is.
Japanese version. Get how many weeks in the y ...
YEAR,MONTH,DAY,HOUR,MINUTE,SECOND functions. Extract the year, month, date, time, minute, and second.(Microsoft Excel)
TIMEVALUE function. Converts a string time to a serial value.(Microsoft Excel)
Japanese version. Converts a string time to a ...
DATEVALUE function. Converts a string date to a serial value.(Microsoft Excel)
Japanese version. Converts a string date to a ...
EOMONTH function. Get the end-of-month date (serial value).(Microsoft Excel)
NOW function. Get the current date and time (serial value).(Microsoft Excel)
Japanese version. Get the current date and ti ...