AVERAGE Function. Get the average of the values.
Japanese version. Get the average of the valu ...
LENB Function. Get the length (in bytes) of a string.
Japanese version. Get the length (in bytes) o ...
FINDB Function. Searches for the position (in bytes) of the specified string.(Microsoft Excel)
Japanese version. Searches for the position ( ...
UNICODE function. Get the Unicode number corresponding to a character.(Microsoft Excel)
Japanese version. Get the Unicode number corr ...
UNICHAR function. Get the Unicode character corresponding to the number.(Microsoft Excel)
Japanese version. Get the Unicode character c ...
REPT function. Repeat the specified string a specified number of times.(Microsoft Excel)
Repeat the specified string a specified numbe ...
JIS function. Converts half-width characters to full-width characters.(Microsoft Excel)
Japanese version. Converts half-width charact ...
ASC function. Converts full-width characters to half-width characters.(Microsoft Excel)
Japanese version. Converts full-width charact ...
REPLACE function. Replace specified character position & number of characters with specified string.(Microsoft Excel)
Japanese version. Replace specified character ...
LEFTB, MIDB, and RIGHTB functions. Extracts a portion of a string by specifying the number of bytes.(Microsoft Excel)
Japanese version. Extracts a portion of a str ...