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EDATE function.Get a date (serial value) after the specified month, taking into account the last day of the month.(Microsoft Excel)

Japanese version.

Get a date (serial value) after the specified month, taking into account the last day of the month.

How it works

Start_dateRequired argument.Target date for the calculation.
MonthsRequired argument.Number of months to be added.
Positive number for future, negative number for past.

Example Results

These are the results of executing the EDATE and DATE functions by argument.


Patterns with different result dates have a yellow background color.

To add one month to January 31, the EDATE function takes into account the difference in the last day of the month and returns 2/28 as the result.
The DATE function adds 31 days and the result is 3/3.



Date & Time(Microsoft Excel Functions)

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