How to leave text with a specified number of characters from the left or right.(Power Automate Desktop)

Japanese version. Learn how to leave text from the left or right with a specified number of characters. Overall flow Robin(for copy and paste) It can be copied and pasted into Power Automate Desktop. SET Text TO $”’abcde”’ SET LeaveLength TO 2 IF LeaveLength <= Text.Length THEN Text.GetSubtext.GetSubtextFromStartTo Text: Text NumberOfChars: LeaveLength Subtext=> Subtext Text.GetSubtext.GetSubtextFrom Text: Text CharacterPosition: Text.Length – LeaveLength Subtext=> Subtext2 END Steps First, prepare variables. Variable Name(Example) Target text. %Text% Number of characters to leave. %LeaveLength% Next, put in place an “If” to check for errors. Parameter Value First operand %LeaveLength% Operator Less than or equal to (<=) Second operand %Text.Length% Put in place “Get Subtext” in … Continue reading How to leave text with a specified number of characters from the left or right.(Power Automate Desktop)