SEARCH Function. Finds the position of the specified character.(Microsoft Excel)

Japanese version.

The SEARCH function is used to find out how many characters of a given string exist.
It is similar to the FIND function, but in most cases the FIND function is more convenient, so the FIND function is basically recommended.

How it works

find_textRequired argument.Specify text to be searched for position.
within_textRequired argument.Find "find_text" in "within_text".
start_num1Specify the position where the search will start, using a number.
(Sequential numbers with the leftmost number as 1)


If "find_text" does not exist in "within_text", a #VALUE error occurs.

Example of determining the presence of a character

The IF and ISERROR functions can be used together to create formulas that make automatic decisions.

=IF(ISERROR(SEARCH(search string,target)), "Miss", "Hit")

If the argument to the ISERROR function is the SEARCH function, the result will be such a boolean value.

Found result in the SEARCH function. Not an error…FALSE.Not an error…FALSE.
Not found result in the SEARCH function. It is an error…TRUE.It is an error…TRUE.

Since a boolean value can be used as an argument of the IF function as it is, it is written in the first argument, the judgment part.

The second argument is the result if not found,

The third argument is the result if it is found.

The second argument is the result if it is not found, and the third argument is the result if it is found.

Difference between the SEARCH and FIND functions

This function has the same arguments and the same function as the FIND function, but there is a subtle difference in the method of judgment.

Upper and lower case letters.Case sensitive.Case-insensitive.
By wildcard Partial Match Search.Impossible.Possible.


Spill if the parameters is a cell range.



Microsoft Excel Functions Text