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Obtain the number, total, average, maximum, and minimum of the numbers in the list.

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Learn how to get the number, total, average, maximum, and minimum of numbers in a list in Power Automate Desktop.


In all cases, first prepare a list of numbers in some way.

Numbers of counts

You can get the number of counts with the %List variable.Count%.


The flow is as follow.

SET NumList TO [2, 5, 10, -8, 6]
SET Sum TO 0
LOOP FOREACH CurrentItem IN NumList
    Variables.IncreaseVariable Value: Sum IncrementValue: CurrentItem
Display.ShowMessageDialog.ShowMessage Title: $'''Total''' Message: Sum Icon: Display.Icon.None Buttons: Display.Buttons.OK DefaultButton: Display.DefaultButton.Button1 IsTopMost: False ButtonPressed=> ButtonPressed

After creating the list variable, the Set Variable action prepares a variable for the total value.

This variable is initialized with 0.

Then loop through the list variable with For Each.

Specify the list variable as the "Value to iterate".

Place "Increase variable" in "For Each".
Then specify %Total variable% for the variable name and %CurrentItem% for the number to increase.

After the loop completes, the total value variable will contain the total in the list.


Divide the total calculated in the preceding procedure by the number of cases.

%Sum / NumList.Count%
SET NumList TO [2, 5, 10, -8, 6]
SET Sum TO 0
LOOP FOREACH CurrentItem IN NumList
    Variables.IncreaseVariable Value: Sum IncrementValue: CurrentItem
Display.ShowMessageDialog.ShowMessage Title: $'''Average''' Message: Sum / NumList.Count Icon: Display.Icon.None Buttons: Display.Buttons.OK DefaultButton: Display.DefaultButton.Button1 IsTopMost: False ButtonPressed=> ButtonPressed


The flow is as follow.

SET NumList TO [2, 5, 10, -8, 6]
SET Max TO 0
SET First TO $'''True'''
LOOP FOREACH CurrentItem IN NumList
    IF (First = True OR Max < CurrentItem) = True THEN
        SET First TO $'''False'''
        SET Max TO CurrentItem
Display.ShowMessageDialog.ShowMessage Title: $'''Maximum''' Message: Max Icon: Display.Icon.None Buttons: Display.Buttons.OK DefaultButton: Display.DefaultButton.Button1 IsTopMost: False ButtonPressed=> ButtonPressed

After creating the list variable, the Set Variable action prepares a variable with the maximum value.

Initialize this variable with 0.

Prepare a decision variable (logical type) for the first item.

Initialize this variable with %True%.

Then loop through the list variable with For Each.

Specify the list variable as the "Value to iterate".

Place an "If" in the "For Each" and set the condition as follows.

First operand%First = True OR Max < CurrentItem%
OperatorEqual to (=)
Second operand%True%

Set up a Set Variable in the "If".

Set the decision variable for the first item to %False%.

In addition, specify %CurrentItem% as the variable for the maximum value.

After the loop completes, the variable with the largest value will contain the largest value in the list.


If you change the variable name (optional) and the "If" condition (reverse the inequality sign) of the maximum value flow described above, it becomes a flow to obtain the minimum value.

First operand%First = True OR Min > CurrentItem%
Condition of "If" to get the minimum (the part in red is changed)
SET NumList TO [2, 5, 10, -8, 6]
SET Min TO 0
SET First TO $'''True'''
LOOP FOREACH CurrentItem IN NumList
    IF (First = True OR Min > CurrentItem) = True THEN
        SET First TO $'''False'''
        SET Min TO CurrentItem
Display.ShowMessageDialog.ShowMessage Title: $'''Minimum''' Message: Min Icon: Display.Icon.None Buttons: Display.Buttons.OK DefaultButton: Display.DefaultButton.Button1 IsTopMost: False ButtonPressed=> ButtonPressed

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